Darius Melzer - "My first month as a volunteer."

I’m a volunteer from Germany. I came to RADKA in Kadan to learn something about a other culture and learn a new language. In RADKA I work at a elementary private school. I help the pupils with learning and help the teacher when we go out or do teaching. It makes me so much fun and I learn much about the language beacause the pupils help me. In their leisure time i help pupils to draw something or we go out and play football. One time per week i have a lesson in RADKA to learn the Czech language as well.
The people are very friendly and help me to learn something about the language, the Czech Republic and invited me to speak with other people in my age. I feel so good in this social environment. I have a great time and it feels good to help children in the school.


  1. Přeji ať je to pořád takhle skvělé ;-)

  2. Hope you'll enjoy whole year with us :) See you on Saturday's ball!

  3. Přeji hodně dalších úspěchů a zážitků

  4. To mě moc tětí, že se Ti tu líbí :) Hodně štěstí a pozitivní energie přeje Jana :)

  5. skvělé, přeji hodně štěstí :)

